You're one step closer to becoming a better creator...

Join the waitlist for "The Complete Content Creation Course" 


Coming soon...(like really soon)



Capture Your Passion, Craft Your Success!

Are you ready to take your content creation skills to new heights, create compelling material, and turn your passion into a thriving business? Well, look no further! With over 6 years of industry experience, we're here to guide you through the intricate journey of building a successful content business while refining your craft. 


Why Choose Our Course?

Our course ensures an immersive, fun learning experience, making education enjoyable yet impactful. Get ready for a transformative journey that not only elevates your creative skills but equips you with essential business knowledge.


What You'll Learn:

Stay tuned for the full curriculum release, and make sure to join our mailing list to be the first to receive all of the juicy details and early bird access!

Let's put it this way, we're delving into a comprehensive exploration of business strategies, creative direction, advanced styling, lighting techniques, and so much more. The launch of this educational platform has been eagerly anticipated, and we are excited to finally share it with you!

The course is a collaborative effort between Florence James Collective and our sister business, Propsyland, a globally recognised prop and backdrop company.